Saturday, 26 June 2010

Soft structured full buckle carrier

Ive been planning on making a Mei Tai for some time & not quite had the confidence to start what i thought would be a big project.

Anyway while re-organising my numerous boxes of fabric & sewing bits last week, i came accross the buckles & webbing i had cut off my old Tomy crotch dangler carrier six months ago (yes, i horde everything that i think may come in usefull one day, lol) It gave me the insparation i had been looking for & i made the decision to take the plunge & make a full buckle carrier instead, as i havent got one in my stash right now.

Its my first attempt at making a baby carrier & also my first attempt at applique, In total it only took me about a day & a half to design & make, To say i am pleased with the results is a huge understatment, i am absoloutly over the moon.


I now can't wait to make a start on on my next carrier, I have some cowboy fabric that i bought to have made into a custom carrier, but now im considering making the custom carrier myself lol. I think the next one will be a half buckle on brown cord straps.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Its Here!!!

My sewing machine arrived yesterday afternoon, & after much faffing around with tension & trying to load the spool properly, i finally made something, a purple sock monkey!!!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Yes, boredom has really set in, ive even got my knitting out to pass a bit of time. As you can see knitting is not my strong point but i do find it very time consuming.

Im waiting for my lovely new sewing machine to be delivered (estimated delivery time is 1.45 - 2.45 today) ive pulled out my big box of fabric, gone threw it all & folded it all up neatly.

I have so many projects waiting in the wings, but many of them i have bought quite expensive fabric for, so really need something cheap & easy incase it takes a few goes to get use to a new machine.

Sock monkey's are going to be my machine test project to make sure the tension is right etc, i have a neat little pile of socks on the table ready to be monkey'fied!

Exellent Post!

The postie has just been with a stack of letters, among them were Nathan & Tom's school appeal decisions, my hands were shaking while i was opening them but...We won the appeal!!!
The boys will be going to school very soon & are over the moon about it.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Bank Holiday Monday

Housework - Check
Nappies washed & in the drier - Check
Baby in bed for afternoon nap - Check
Older 4 monkeys upstairs tidying bedrooms - Check
5 minuits peace & quiet for me then? - Oh yes :-D

Ive neglected this for a week or so, mainly because ive been a bit lazy, not done much & its been a hectic week.

Decorating the boys bedroom has come to a stand still, we ordered a new bunk bed, waited a week for delivery & when i arrived it is the wrong one, so has to go back. Were now waiting for the company to pick it up again, before we can order another. Of course i didnt notice it was the wron bed untill i had dismantled & got rid of the old bunk, so now the boys are sleeping on mattresses on the floor, which also means there is no space to build the 3 new chests of draws *sigh*

We also had Nathan & Thomas's appeal for a school place on Friday, the letter stated it was more of an informal discussion, so when i walked in & it looked like a board room meeting i went to pieces. I have no idea what the outcome will be, we didnt get informed there & then, we will get a letter hopefully tommorow or Wednesday. Im so on edge about it though, if they dont get a place at the school Chloe & Jack are at it means changing schools for all of them & the only school with for them all is over 2 miles away.

To top off all of that i now have a stinking cold!!!

The crafting has been a bit non productive this week too, i have a huge list of things to do that require a sewing machine & i dont have one right now. I usually borrow my mums, its been living with me for the last few months, but she decided she needed it back (tut tut). I really need my own machine, i keep looking but end up feeling swamped with all the different things they can do, Lol.
I have a small oval chest that i am planning on decorating with decoupage (thanks to some insparation given by a very lovely lady, who decorated a table & shared pics) I made a start on sanding it down yesterday, im hopefully going to finish the sanding this afternoon & start painting tommorow.

Anyway i think thats the highlights from last week.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Sewing - T-shirt to trousers

I finally got some house work done yesterday, so last night i sat down to get some sewing done too.
I saw a fab tutorial for turning old adult size t-shirts into babys trousers some time ago, so last week i made Adam some starwars trousers which turned out brilliant. Since then Ive been on the scrounge for old t-shirts off family members, my mum turned up with a fair pile (a few of Dads that she dosent like on him, & he dosent know have gone yet, lol) so i thought i had better make a start as Adam is really short on trousers/shorts that actually fit over his big cloth nappys.

After making the same mistake twice & having to sit & unpick seams twice (i was somewhat distracted last night, i dont usually make silly mistakes) it only took me half an hour to finish them. He wearing his new shorts today & they look really ace.

Monday, 17 May 2010

My first blog post

Hmm... really need to get motivated today, all i have done is sit in front of the computor, so my house looks like a bomb has hit it.
I think my motivation is... if i do the cleaning up today i can get on with one of my craft projects tommorow, without feeling guilty.

Adam went to bed last night with 3 teeth & woke up this morning with 6!!! ive known they were coming for a week or so but didnt expect them all in one night, poor little man, he's in a right grumpy mood today :( also found tooth #7 on its way too. Ive put his amber necklace on & he's gone down to sleep for a bit, so hopefully he will be feeling a bit better when he wakes.